I also had a friend who lives a few hours away visit for a bit- he had some good ideas about income generating projects for my second women's group which I'm excited to try out. The group has been interested in making different jams and jellies, and my friend's idea was to package them in little single serving containers that can be bought in Mzuzu and sell them in the market for 10 kwacha each. Our group's eventual goal is to raise funds to build a primary school to replace the mud brick structure that is currently being used. If we made a more secure primary school, we could stock it with teaching and learning materials, but as it is, without doors, windows and just a thatched roof, everything that isn't nailed down is prone to theft.
Umoza is also going well, we are making little baby dresses while we wait for the school year to start, at which time we can sell our uniforms. I am learning a lot about sewing from my ama, Margaret, and I think that the other women are too. I bought a dress from the group to give my neighbors for their baby Melissa (named after me, poor kid)- she looked so cute! I'm still trying to decide what the group should make for me to bring back home at Christmas time, and baby dresses are definitely a possibility.
That's about all for now, thanks for the packages, letters, emails and phone calls- they've made the past 11 months go by fast (can you believe its been 11 months? I can't)
You have a name sake! That is so cute!
I'll swing by LDO today and let them know you received the package - this is risky as I am on a strict budget (what are the odds I'll make it out of there without buying something!). Also, please post more pictures!!!! Surely you have some from Camp Sky. Love you, Mom
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