Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hector the Puppy: Week one

This dog pees more than any animal in the history of animals. Yes, yes, I know that I also have been known to visit the girls room with frequency in my day, but seriously? Seriously dog. Wow.

Not much is new here, but every time I get time on the internet, I like to update. The letters and messages are great, they really make me feel loved.

At the end of the month my education group has our big conference where we learn about the various resources we have available to us here in Malawi to help our communities, so I will be sure to tell you all when I know more.

I have been reading a lot this week, probably because I had a head cold that knocked me out for a few days- I wanted to keep working in the library, but the only thing I could really manage to do was teach my classes and read. Oh well, its gone now, and I can get back to making the library look like a library. In the last two days I read four books. Send more books. I keep a running tally of the number of books I've read since I got here- I'm at 30 so far.

Alright, that's about it, thanks for the love!



Unknown said...

just wanted to let you know that i love this blog, please keep writing. can you verify that the address you sent me is correct because it seems so..short. i get skeptical about things like that. anyway, i remember one summer when i told you i wanted to read 20 books one summer. you said you already did, and it was only july or so. i felt inadequate. i'm glad things are going well and that you are still reading.

Unknown said...

by the way, that was alice wu. and this is alice wu.

Patricia Mac Donell said...

Love you - thought you were gonna name the dog "BOB"... what kind of dog is it. Love you, mom (the original)

gomsu1988 said...

We want to see a picture of Hector.