Sunday, December 27, 2009

Post swear in, post move in, post christmas, Post.

Hey guys, I am writing to you using the magic of internet cafes. I'm disappointed, because I wrote a really long post that covered swearing in, my move to my house AND christmas- but unfortunately, the dang computer I'm using won't recognise my USB drive so... let me just see what I can do to condense it all:

Swearing in ceremony: Awesome. Dancers. Have video.

Move to site: Awesome. Have electricity. Am getting sick of the movies I brought.

Christmas: Awesome. Beach Bar. Nuff' said.

Alright, so, that's it... satisfied? Again, I'll try to get the long nice version of things up, but things are really unrealiable here, so I do what I can. I just wish I could say more- when I was preparing to go to Malawi, I scoured the internet for information, and would have been really frustrated to read a post like this, but what can you do?

I love and miss you all! Stay safe!

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