Monday, October 11, 2010

Hot Season, Status, Hot.

Hello friends, family, well wishers and enemies. It is hot as hell. I know that it will get hotter, but as for right now, it is difficult to get any work done, luckily the library is cooler than the rest of the school, so I have a coolish place to retreat to.

I had an awesome weekend, it was basically exactly what you would imagine a weekend in the Peace Corps would be like: a bunch of people sitting around on someone's porch chatting and drinking homemade wine, sitting around on the beach, singing songs while someone plays guitar- we are such dirty hippies.

Life is good- I got two birthday packages, one from Carrie and one from the Rothwells, both were AMAZING, and Carrie, I read all of the books you sent in three days.

That's about it,


1 comment:

CL Reed said...

I hope you liked them! I plan on taking you to Schuler's when you visit so you can pick out books to bring back with you.