Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ready for Term 3?

Hey all! So I had one successful term break! I got to see some friends, and eat a meal called 'the portuguese', which had something like five different protien sources in it. A friend of mine tried to put some peanut butter on my plate just to make it a good six, but everyone else at the table stopped him. There were nay-sayers who said I couldn't finish it, but man, I proved them wrong. Then I ate a plate of chips*, you know, for fun. Now I'm all caloried up and ready to go back to site.

School starts back up tomorrow- it is strange to think that by August, I'll have taught a full school year. There may be a chance that I could finish my service early (in September rather than December), but that may or may not happen, so I don't want to think about it too much.

My schedule looks like it will be picking up soon, after the fourth of July, the new group comes in, and hopefully (finger's crossed), I'll be chosen to help train them for a week or so. After that we have camp Sky, which is a ten day camp that will take place August 17-27, and should be really fun. After that I will have been here for a year? Crazy.

Piotr is visiting right now, my dog did not try to bite him. This is an improvement on my last dog.

Alright, peace out!


1 comment:

Patricia Mac Donell said...

That's my Beeb! Amaze them with your amazing ability of pack it away...