Monday, April 26, 2010


Lesson Learned: Always listen to your dog.

Let me back up. Last night we had a huge rainstorm, wind, rain, the works. I have a tin roof, and a tree that likes to scratch my windows, so it is always a pretty loud deal whenever it rains. I had trouble sleeping last night, and had a ton of strange dreams:

Dream #1- I attempted to talk to someone in French, but it kept coming out Chitonga- so I had to actually think and translate each phrase from Chitonga into French. Very frustrating, though possibly encouraging, since hey, at least I wasn't speaking English

Dream #2- I was at my Family Reunion, picking out a room to stay in with my cousin Emily. I turn to Emily, and ask her why she is there, because isn't she taking summer classes, and can't make it? She asks me why I'm not in Malawi. Touche Emily.

Dream #3- The door to my courtyard keeps opening, someone is stealing my buckets.

Dream #3 turned out to not be a dream. Hector did her job and barked but Hector is always barking at crazy shit, so I didn't listen. Damn dog once attacked my mosquito net while we were both under it. Now I am missing about 5,000 kwacha worth of random stuff that was in my shower and courtyard area. It isn't a ton of money but, see, I don't have it, and so it becomes a lot more.

So lesson learned, listen to Hector.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Internet Drought, Ended

hey guys. So I wrote a really long post, and then promptly forgot my flash drive somewhere- grr.

Things are going well. After Easter break, I took some friends to my site. We went to a lodge down the street from my house, and Vanessa told me it was very stupid that I didn't go there more often, so I have started taking her advice, and last Sunday, I visited the beach. I read a book and knit a sweater while I relaxed on the sand. The beach here is a lot like at Lake Michigan, only the water is warm, and you can see Mozambique on the other side.

Thanks for all of the support, I really love it, I hope everyone got their easter cards or letters!

Love from Malawi


Friday, April 9, 2010

Back from the dirty dirty

Hello! I am writing to you maybe about ten pounds heavier thanks to the magic Esther is able to make over a charcoal village stove. The girl made flan and doughnuts in the same night- enough said. It was a very relaxing week- I had a lot of fun with a group of people heading south to climb mount mulanje, but we parted ways when I headed to Esther's. I like her site a lot, there are a lot of children (iwes) around. I don't speak the language they speak in the south (chichewa), so I spent a lot of time communing with the iwes through interpretive dance. Carrie, you will be proud to know that I taught them some polka in the form of the chicken dance- they are all ready for their first polish wedding.

Yesterday I booked it from Esther's in Zomba to Mzuzu, so I have been spending a lot of time on busses. Today, I am going home, which is a relief, and I will be joined by my roommate from training and her guest, last night we drank the stress of travel away at the mzoozoo zoo, which is always a good time.

that's it, love you all!

Also, shoutout to Meg's mom, because I now know you read this- sup Mrs. Watkins? Don't be a stranger :)

Friday, April 2, 2010


Hey all!

So, I decided that my plans for this week are go to visit Esther in the south! For those who don't know Esther is amazing, and is also maybe the greatest volunteer ever, so I'm happy.

Piotr, my friend from home, is coming to visit in two months! I'm so excited! I have some ideas for what we should do, but peace corps dosen't exactly pay very well, so I don't know, I might have to mooch a little.... a lot.

Ok, I don't have a lot else to say. I am really happy to be traveling and seeing people :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello World!

I'm in Mzuzu!

Not much is new here, though I did get a submission for the T-shirts from the lovely Carrie, best friend extraordinaire.

Today in the market I bought some cute little Coach flats for MK 1,500- that is about 9 USD, maybe less. I love Mzuzu.

I'm on break for the next week, so expect more updates and possibly adventures. I don't know what I'm doing yet, but have tent, will travel.

Love, love,
