Saturday, November 28, 2009


Hey guys! So, another quick update, because once more, I don't have much time. I promise that once I get to my site, I'll prepare a really good, long, juicy one for you.

Carrie, if you aren't saying 'that's what she said' in your brain right now, I'm disappointed.

Anyway, Thanksgiving was wonderful, some of us got back from our site visits a little early for various reasons, so we were in Dedza for the actual holiday, which was great, because we got to hang out, talk to our families and play cards- and by cards I mean kings, so I felt right at home. It was just like holidays back in Michigan.

Today, we are at headquarters for a little bit before we head to the Ambassador's house for a late Thanksgiving. We are hoping to have 'merican beer and chips.

So, because it is Thanksgiving, I am gong to share what I am thankful for:

-My friends in Peace Corps, who are awesome, and are a great support system. When else in my life will I have someone sit me down and tell me to change malaria medications?

-Carrie, who half a world away is still my best friend

-Zach, who sends me awesome care packages and spends way too much money to call. I can't wait until Tuesday :)

-Zach's mom, who is probably the person who *actually* puts the care packages together

-My parents, who send some of the best letters and who tell me they are proud of me, which makes it easier to stay here

-My giant family, I get the most mail of anyone because of you guys!

-Anyone who called on Thanksgiving- you made me feel like I wasn't so far away

-The Peace Corps staff, especially the language trainers, because they make things happen

-My site, because it is only 30 minutes from the beach, and that is awesome

And last but not least, I am thankful for the fact that I get to have this opportunity, but most of all, I am thankful that at the end of two years, I get to go home and see you all. I love you and miss you all

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


ok, I don't have any time to write, but some quick notes about my site:

30 minutes on foot from the beach- awesome.
electricity- extra awesome.
running water- mind explodingly awesome.

Also, I have a lemon tree in my yard, and a mango tree across the street. The school is also across the street, and the staff seems awesome.

Ok, that's all I have time for- bas*


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Phones?! What!

Hey guys! I don't have much time to write, so I'll keep this quick!

We recently got our phones, so if you want to give me a call, you can either:

a) check facebook, where I have posted my number


b) call either my mom, my dad, or Chris who all have the number. Otherwise, I guess I'm not big on the whole giving my phone number out on the internet thing, so I figure, if we aren't friends on facebook, or if you don't know my parents or my brother, then why exactly do you want to call me long distance?

Otherwise, life here is good! I have met some of my fellow teachers, and saw the outside of the house I will be living in. Apparently I have a lemon tree in my backyard! and a mango tree across the street!!! I am getting very big on fresh fruit, as you can tell.

Sorry to be so brief, but I just wanted to say that I am happy and healthy, and hey, at least I haven't gotten dysentery... yet (it happened to one of us already)